Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

Swimming Left to Right, Row One: Diane Morris, Connie Beyler, Susan Jenkins, Koren Myers, Goy Rushmer, Helen Toro, Noreen Lundwall. Row Two: Madalynn livingston, Sheila Atkinson, Carolynn Livingston, Ilene Ar– bon, Nedra Morris. Row Three: Alan Peterson, Robert Belt, Gory Rampton, Jim Wilson, Dennis Doling, Gordon Rhoades. Ann Curran Secretary Gary Rampton President Sara Sampson Vice President By getting into the swim every Wednesday night at the Weber Gymnasium, members of this guild were offered free swimming in– struction. At these weekly swims, each member had the adequate time to develop or to improve his swimming and diving techniques. Also during the active swim year, members of the guild enjoyed added good times at both a Lagoon party and a canyon picnic. 141