Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access
Cafeteria and Left to Right, Row One: Mrs. Florence Visser, Mrs. Fern Wool– sey, Mrs. Doris Spencer, Mrs. Eloise Boron, Mrs. Enno Roberts. Custodian Staff Row Two: Mrs. leola Beck, Mrs. Doreen Bardsley, Mrs. Groce Roberts, Mrs. leona Nielson. Ogden High students were fortunate to find their school neat and clean at all times during the year. Regardless of the type of activity which had taken place the day before, the custodians always had the school in order before the students arrived. Keeping the temperature comfortable, the campus looking beautiful, and maintaining the school in general good condition, occupied their working hours. Courteous service and efficient performance describe the way in which the cafe– teria staff prepared and served the nourishing hot lunches. Steve Knight, Joke Uitdenboogert, Cornelius Visser, George Sadler, Jon Hansen.
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