Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

odel U. • The members of Ogden High's U. N. Delega– tion represented Japan and Tunisia. After exten– sive testing of the students ' knowledge of the United Nations, seventeen were selected for our delegation. Each was then made a member of one of five committees of the U. N. The delegates rep– resenting Japan served on Disarmament, China, and International Trade Committees, while those representing Tunisia were on the Reunification of Germany and African Political Affairs Committees. On April 14 and 15 our delegation met with others at the University of Utah to form the Annual Utah High School Model United Nations Assembly. OFFICERS - Row One: Anne Douglas, Yukiko Yamamoto, Roger Van Cleave, Ray london, Senti Metz, M. C. O 'Bryant. Left to Right, Row One: Nancy Hartsock, John Kershaw, Yukiko Yamamoto, Anne Douglas, Senti Metz, Ray London, George Lowe. Row Two : Jan Cox, Jean Hauser, Glorio Hull, lynn Turner, J•m Laymon, Dean Hughes, William Weatherston, Roger Van Cleave, Dove Moore, Fran Maughan, S ip Mencimer, Willard Maughan, John Nelson, M. C. o ·eryont.