Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

Rocket Development John Gaz: David Carrigan Secretary Advisor Robert Bennett Pres ident Doug Felt Vice Pres ident Earl Green Treasurer Students who were interested in the space age formed the member– ship of Ogden High 's Rocket Development Guild. Their discussions in guild meetings were focused on the subjects of rockets . The members studied designs, fuels, ranges, and other major aspects of rocketry. The officers planned the ir f ield trips wh ich took the members on tour to Hill Field and Rad io Station KLO. They also went to the Thiokol Chemical Corporation where they learned more about solid propellents. left to Right, Row One: David Corrigan, Earl Green. Row Two: Fred Forr, John Gaz, Robert Bennett, Doug Felt, Stephen Ellertson, Freeman Andersen Row Three: Douglas Brower, Tom Newton, Reid Schow, leon Ripplinger, Ke1th Guernsey. 149