Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

Student Counci I Student Council, the governing body of Ogden High, con– sidered school problems and proposed workable solutions for them. This organization consisted of one representative from each homeroom class, editors of the school publications, and the the officers of the Boys ' and Girls ' Associations. The Vice– Principal and the Student Body Officers presided over the Student Council. This democratic organization offered to all members of the council an opportunity to voice their opinions and present ideas for the improvement of school affairs. Re– ports from these meetings were taken to each advisory class and discussed with the students, who then were able to ex– press the ir views. Results of these d iscussions were reported at the next Council meeting. Thus every student was able to participate in the governing of school activities. Mr. Gerald Raat Advisor Left to Right, Row One: Gary Evans, Brent Stock, Bill Cliff, Cathie Carter, Helen Stokes, Richard Kendell, Tim Morris, Jack Laughton. Row Two: Nancy Saunders, Linda Degn, Karen Hermansen, Anne Ballinger, Linda Zentner, Elna Peterson, Janice Roberts, Peg Leininger, Judi Reyns, Louise Morgan, Georgia Farrell, Karen Brown, Sylvia Tripp, Kathy Lindquist, Jerrie Evans. Row Three: Diane Larsen, Wyano Clark, Maureen O'Connor, Sandy Sachter, Corrinne Reneau, Dee Mischke, Kay Blanchard, Judith Ellertson, Nancy Wilson, Gail West, Susan Stack, Dixie Hess, Leslie Bying· ton, Susan Olsen, Anne Lynch, Ralph Aardema. Row Four: Celia Wil · Iiams, Gay Scothern, Arlene Atencio, Anne Douglas, Senti Metz, Pat Poorman, Barbara Furgeson, Doug Cannon, John Nelson, Jim Layman, Stephen Ellertson, Noel King, Bobby Rosas, Alan Stromberg, John Suttle· myre, Dave McConnell, Dave Parker. Row Five : Mary Brethouwer, Pat Stallings, Ann Llchfield, Sue Bryant, Virginia H•gginbotham, Judy Linder· man, Roxy Schooff, Yukiko Yamamoto, Bill Wade, Linda Anderson, S1d· ney McBride, Paulo Blackington, Eddie Allan, Kent Russell, Lynn Van Leeuwen, Mike Moyes, Rob Bouler, Dave Powell, Mark Janes. 13