Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access
proficiency in the numerous business skills. Fundamental working habits were estab– lished, along with a knowledge of the val– ue of personal grooming and conduct. In the spring, many students took the State Merit Examination and the Civil Service tests in order to establish a reference for positions in the military establishments in the Ogden area. As a result of their diligent efforts and the cooperation of the school, many graduating students received excel– lent work experience. As Wynn Phillips dictates, he cuts a record; Mari– lee Christensen then listens to the recording and transcnbes it on the typewriter. Mrs. Edna Parker Typing, Shorthand Mrs. Irene Tingey Typing, Shorthand Mr. Wallace McConnell Typing, Consumers' Math 19
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