Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

Mr. Norman Anderson Mechanical Drawing Consumers Math M r. Austin Seager Machine Shop, Algebra Mr. Varian Ha le Driver's Training students how to drive and care for a car, the driver edu– cation teachers instructed them on the many safety rules of driving. In machine shop, such useful metal imple– ments as hammers and "C" clamps were made. Handi– craft classes, including leatherwork, plastics, and jewelry, saw the start and finish of such articles as rings, plastic ornaments, and wallets. Those students who did not want to take a specialized course found that a less tech– nical course was offered in general shop. M r. Wilfred Christensen Driver's Training Mr. Glen Peterson Driver's Training Through experience in machine shop, Michael Carnahan develops his mechanical ability into a useful skill. Dave Stouffer shows prec1s1on and accuracy in his mechanical drawing assignment. 23