Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access
24 Mr. Wilson R. Thornley English, Reading Creative Writ Mrs. Rie Mathews English Miss Fern Marquart English Miss Thelma Reynolds Latin, Journalism Mrs. Mary Campbell English Mrs. Marguerite Keller English Language Arts Mrs. Marion Storey English As compared with the first Ogden High language Arts Department wherein only English was offered, the depart– ment has steadily increased the number of courses it has offered until the past year when it offered latin, German, Spanish, French, Russian, creative writing, and speed read– ing. Each student was required to take some English wherein he had the opportunity to cultivate a better understanding of our English language and an appreciation of its versatil– ities and values. The purpose of the creative writing course was to teach each individual enrolled how to improve and analyze his style of writing. Many of the foreign language students discovered their proficiency in their particular lan– guage when they participated in the Foreign language Fes– tival. All subjects in the department helped develop the technique of communication.
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