Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

Mr. Richard Palmer Adviser Left to Right, Row One: Barry DeSdva, Carolyn Condie, Charlene Blazer, Georg1a Farrell, Robert Hazen, Kathryn lindquist, Vickie Crompton, Moria Entjes. Row Two: Bill Glosmonn, George lowe, Rex Junior Council At the beginn ing of the year, the homerooms which had Juniors enrolled elected a student to represent them in the Junior Council. Under the supervision of their advisor, the council directed the presentation of the Junior assembly, which was appropriately titled "Smile." The traditional Junior Prom was planned and sponsored by the council and student committees. Their class party provided an opportunity for all Juniors to become better acquainted through games and dancing. Belnop, Ste11e Forr, Stanley Jomes, Borbaro Doll, Helene Evensen, Judy Modsen, Nona Camp, Sandy Show, Susan Clements, Margaret Orton.