Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Guest Access

Here in America the telephone was born and here it has reached its highest development. Beneath the ocean, beyond the horizon, gleaming wires of communication have since been bear– ing essential messages in the tongue of every nation. Linking to– gether home town communities all over America, the telephone makes a neighborhood of the nation. On Main Street U.S.A. the telephone is a home town institution, used by local people. In its way the telephone eavesdrops on the world; thus, in our way we want to ... eavesdrop on the Tiger Line. In 1937, Ogden High School moved to its new cam– pus on Harrison Boulevard. With the change of location, the school administration received a new Dean of Girls. In addition to her new responsibility she taught English four periods, leaving two hours for counseling. As the years went on and the school population increased, the duties of Dean of Girls expanded and became a full-time job. She has given the greater part of her life to "her" girls, offering individual attention, valuable experience, and conscientious supervision. Therefore, we pay tribute and dedicate the 1961 Classicum to our devoted Dean of Girls ..... Miss Zelta Ballinger. Miss Zelta Ballinger Dean of Girls 3