Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
Fu ure Problem Solving ,;( 'IY'\, Row 1: R. Reinke, J. Kapust/1, T. Bellu , A. Wolf Row 2: "Hey! ait a second, guys! I think I have it! E. Thomp on, S. trom, L. Tyler, M. Fleming, Kf'orr.lllt t•• ~,~tt~~if Pfll3 ,4b41st 1• McGiauchle~, ~ - Chong _Row 3: D. Day. T. canlon, . All you nave to do is pull down this lever in direct Kempf, B. Stehng, J. Enckson · h b f · 1 · 1 d" proportion to t e num er o partie es m a moe I- vided by how many food fights we've had in the last six months, depending on whether seventh hour is long or short with consideration to the Pythagorean Theorem when "x" is a function of Thoreau's views on interplanetary motion." The Science Competition Team is a branch of the U.S. Army. The members travel to far away places and tell the natives what the chemical composition of their thatched roof houses is. Make sense? 89
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