Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
NHS ational Honor ociety Row 1: A. Chong, T. Connery, M. Mahr, M. Hanson, K. Reigle, H. Kay, B. Kahl eniors: . Garvoille, M. Larson, L Ga ner, A. Richardson , B. Binger, T. Boerth, L. Hartman, R. Knipfer, . Rawlings, W. Ma shardt, P. Taylor, M. Larsen, A. Wolf, M. Smith, M. Watts, . Harter, . Arnold, S. Bogu , . Lawry, C. Ko ier, D. Farris, K. Thompson What can be said about a group of kids whose collective I.Q. is most likely 10,006? We could say that 1/19 of them are lipless, or that they all carry flattened-out carcasses of rabbbits in their back pockets in hopes of one day seriously confusing a pickpocket. Or we could say that they are the largest exporters of chocolate covered erasers in the continental .8. we could say all this, and more, but we would be lying and our mommies wouldn't like that. Instead, let's say that they are a heckuva group of bright people. AFS If you ever get the strange urge to visit Armenia or the deep recesses of Argentina, juat contact AFS. I'm sure they'll make all arrangements needed. American Field ervice Row 1: J . Anderson, M. Knoble, J. Erstad, J. Halverson, K. Thompson, F. Sommers, P. Taylor Row 2: B. Root, L. Tyler, M. Thomp on, P. Garty, K. Miller, K. Olstad, M. Var<!a, N. Arms, N. Campos Row 3: M. Malmquist, M. George, G. Masino, K. Callaway, M. Han on, B. Bohse, K. For berg, M. George, A. Ro fjord Row 4: M. chenk, W. Weeden, A. Bailie, P. Close, J. ommers, T. Holland, A. Root, J. Blaney, C. Heitmann 7
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