Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

DR. N. D. BREITBACH Chiropractor Phone 835-5353 - 835-7840 DORN PAINT AND HARDWARE Everything from scoops to nuts Electrical-PIurnbing Houseware-Sporting Goods Farm Supplies 835-5737 P Ill :1 PlUS. A lrce \VP&I.IIome Energy Analysis can help you get more from t)vmy tnmr!\Y dollar. Call WP&L for your free Home Energy Analysis loday. ~ Wisconsin Power Ei Light OPEN YEAR ROUND 18 UNITS HOME COOKING AIR CONDITIONED & TV Waterfall Restaurant & Motel HIGHWAY 14 OREGON WISCONSIN , MOTEL 835-3858 RESTAURANT 835-3950 EDMUNDS AUTO SUPPLY, INC. "We Deliver" 710 N. Main Street Oregon, WI 53575 835-5193 BANJOS BY RICHELIEU Home of the World Famous Golden Eagle Banjos Oregon, Wisconsin Our Very Best Wishes To The Class Of 1982 It is our pleasure to have been able to make many of our news photos available to the Yearbook Staff for reproduction in this fine book. It has been enjoyable working with the 1984 seniors in many activities during their school career. OREGON OBSERVER Your Community Newspaper 119