Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
122 ~tchbur9 'lplumbinC) Owner: James Flscua AUtw Hours Fred Benoet 837.Jii09 IUSIDEN114L • COWJ.IffiiCIAL • fiiE,AIA liOOO s,.... "-41 MedtMn,. Wl-.conalr\ Sl711 ......... "-'- 1011 274-1114 Mortensen Auto Repair TEL. 455-3621 BROOKLYN, WISCONSIN 53521 LAPPLEY'S CHEVROLET 835-3123 Oregon, WI OREGON BOWL 214 Spring Street Oregon, Wisconsin 835-3133 GREAT RIVER AGENCY, INC. " Insurance Made Simple" A National Marketing Company for the most consumer oriented life insurance product ever ... UNIVERSAL LIFE! - Reduces premiums up to 50% - High interest on cash value! - Inflation-Proof! - Flexible! Call us or stop by our office for a free computer comparison and Financial Need Analysis. GREAT RIVER AGENCY, INC. "First in Universal Life" Community National Bank Building Oregon, WI 53675 Business (608) 835-3126 CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS DR. MARK NELSON D.D.S. DR. MIKE NELSON D.D.S. SUNNYSIDE HATCHERY 215 W. Nerherwood • Dial: 835-3171 (6081 1!35 7031 Everson Excavating ROBERT C EVERSON 528!> LINCO:.N RO OREGON. WISCONSIN 53575
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