Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

126 FLEMING'S APPLE HILL FARM BEST DRUG STORE INC. DON'S BARBER SHOP SHERYN'S BEST WAY CLEANERS MARK'S BARBER AND STYLING CO GRATULATIONS SENIORS Discover filBEN FRANKLIN OOWe bring variety to life! Oregon Shopping Plaza For Sale: Complete Barbie-doll wardrobe For all of you who are still indulging in your second childhood, thi could be the playtime opportunity of your life. If the arms, legs, and heads of Ken and Barbie have been ripped off by your brutal younger cousins, it's time to put the piece together again. ow they have something to live for - the latest in provocative fashions. hoes and jewelry included. For more info, contact: Gloria Vanderbilt (608) 835-3161 aturday, July 21 - The First Annual Yearbook Rummage Sale! Purchase wild -n-crazy item such as: A) One well-worn (yet attractive) wooden cabinet B) everal sizes of orange cropping pencils C) Catatonic staff members (great lawn decorations) D) Rubber cement in large quart containers GUNTHER'S MUFFLER SERVICE AND FRENCH CUISINE 258 Swillbowl Ave. Oregon, WI 53575 Monday Through Friday . . . . . 11:30 To 2:00 Saturday To Sunday .......... 6:00 To 8:00 "For a quieter S-car-go" LO T : enior Picture Last seen with blond, lanky man con idered honker and slightly dangerou . If found, get picture first (use deadly force if neces ary) and ask questions later. Thank you, ·The Staff LOST: Talent lf you find our talent, we will give you all our records, plus a big, wet kiss! Yours, Quiet Riot FOU D: One freshman ; is quite sa y and bear much resemblance to the Pillsbury Doughboy. Would like to return to original owner before I kill myse lf. Contact me through Ms. haw. Thank you, s.s.