Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
' i I ! . I I MARTINSON EXCAVATING 613 . Main t. Oregon, WI 53575 Phone: 835-5293 General Excavating-Grading Sewer and Water Installations State of Wis. Lie. o. MP RSW 1238 now Plowing and Removal Serving the Oregon Area Since 1962 ROEBER'S FAMILY HEALTH PHARMACY MARIA'S PIZZA 101 S. Main St. 835-5455 Downtown, Oregon Serving all your prescription needs. 134 S. Main St. Oregon MADISON PRE-HUNG DOORS & PRE-FINISHING 835-5584 lu most of you know. our pre·f1f'1ishing ptO'It was desrroyed in August 1980 by flre. At rhor rime we were us:ng a solvenr bose moreriol, o very f10mmoble solvent Since rhe fire we hove changed ro o worer bose moreriol solvent, whrch is frre·p~oof and non-roxie We i!'lrend ro give the home builders rhe best producr with rht new product. Ar rhe some rime rhe people in our oreo will enjoy o berrer and neolrhier environment ro ~ve in. Congroruloriom from Madison Pre-Hung Door and Pre Rnishing (BJS-5584) ro rhts commencement doss of WBJ and ro the tur·.;re workers of rhe doss of 1Q8J j I , . . J ~v. :- · · •"' ' I 127
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