Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

128 Conclusion Well, here it is, the grand finale, the end of the road, the last good-bye. It's been an interesting year to say the least. Now is the time to sit back and reflect on the past year. Remembering the good times and the disappoint– ments and the new experiences which sometimes turned out to be the embarrassing experiences. But, of course, it was the embarrassing situa– tions and the disappointments from which we grow the most. Great, huh? It would be wonderful if we could approach what we know will be a bad experience - getting arrested by the Russian Secret Police, for example - and say to ourselves, "Hey, wow, this is neat man; I'm being arrested by the Russian Police, but boy am I ever going to grow and learn from this experience!" But, of course, no one is that deranged or silly. Instead we whine and pout until we get what we want. Ah, well, whatever the case may be, we all go through the same difficulties and transitions. Hopefully, we can all get through these hardships and have enough common sense to look back through our looking glass and laugh. The Class of 1984 Colors: Burgundy and Silver Flower: White Rose Song: "Don't Look Back," by Boston Motto: "Look to this day; yesterday is already a dream; and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope."