Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
12 y e a r b 0 0 k Editor Cathleen E. Kosier (Galley Master) Business Manager Michale A. Watts (Official B.M.) Copy Editor Lisa M. Bovre (Copy Key Grip) Lay-Out Editor Karen Shockley (Cropper Killer) Artistic Design Steven A. Severson (Doodledum) Frank Sommers (Doodledee) Creative Consultant Robert L. Severson (Galley Slave) Typos Andrea Richardson (Directory Demon) Sue Bogus (Novel Novice) Lori Lehnherr (Lopi the Great) Photography Brent Sieling (Mad Flasher) Ad Manager Laura Rounds (Ad Libber) Proof-reading Jodi Halverson (Eyes) Advisor Rose Lewis (Da Boss) Kneeling: A. Richardson, K. chmidt, T. Bogus Standing: L. Rounds, E. Martin, B. Sieling, M. Watts, L. Bovre, R. ever on, P. Wooldridge, C. Kosier, S. Severson, K. Shockley, R. Lewis, L. Lehnherr New from "Friends of Yearbook": History of the Yearbook Part I. This new book will take you from prehistoric Yearbook to the present. You'll be amazed by the faultless heroes, en– tranced by the undying devotion, and stunned by the steamy love triangles. Yes, History of the Yearbook Part I offers all of this and more. Order now to avoid the Christmas rush! Send $19.95 - that's right, just $19.95 to: Friends of Yearbook 1697 King Street Madison, WI 02115
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