Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
R 0 s E L E w I s Advisor ROSE LEWIS Every year, the yearbook staff dips into a magic hat and mysteriously draws forth the name of a faculty member most deserving of praise and recognition. This year Mrs. Lewis's name was drawn forth by the all comprehending staff, and with very good reason. Actually, our choice was far from accidental. Mrs. Lewis undertook a project that required great courage and dedica– tion - she came to our rescue in midyear. Now, saved by an advisor who guided us faithfully through the production of this book, we have succeeded in presenting it to you, the privileged public. We staffers would like you to know that, while all the defects of this book may be attributed to us, the book's good points may be attributed to our highly-esteemed advisor. Without her aid, this book could not have created for your hearty enjoyment and intellectual enrichment. R 0 s E L E w I s 35
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