Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Richard Schultz .Jim Olstad .Jean Batna Bonnie Bauman 44 ., • \ . . - : :I .· ~ .... ,,~-. i ·, ,J• .. - . . ,., ~,- ·:•.. ·.• ' Mary Boyd Kay Bliefernicnt Maryanne Olson Shirley Malt Teri Mills Carole Wilson Pat McPartland C. .]. Hungler Susan McGrath We have evaded the issue for years. It's about time that we informed you about the Special Education and Special Services Departments. There are three divisions of Special Ed, and they are L.D., which deals with the learning disabled; E.M.R., which helps the educable mentally retarded; and E.D., which helps the emotional– ly disabled. Oops, almost forgot about the Special Services. Well, since we know nothing at all about SS, except that it's an alliterative title, let's leave it at that. Special Ed And Services