Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
46 H 0 m e E c MEAT ME AT MIDNIGHT WITH A LADEL I like licking pots and pans, with my tongue and various glands. I like washing purple socks, but making soup's like feeding ox. Jeanie Dunphy Cynthia Liddle Although I have never taken this culinary class, I have been somewhat involved in the "Home Ec Ex– perience." Aspiring chefs have brought still warm chocolate chip cookies to my 8th hour chemistry class from advanced foods. The drifting aroma of scrambled eggs has driven me to the brink of distrac– tion as I sat and starved in second hour accounting. You may well ask what qualifications these exper– iences have given me. My answer is none- except the ability to write distinctly mediocre copy on this subject. Lynn Buyarski
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