Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
Vl .,. Chamber Choir Row 1: K. Schoville, R. Sheldon, C. Miller, K. Shockley, K. Larson , H. Ames, L. Mahr, M. Thompson, M. Hagstrom, M. Larson. Row 2: T . Payne, Y. Nedlose, J . Binger, S. Brinkman, L. Bovre, C. Kosier, L. Martin, P. Fields, L. Bahr, A. Simerson, L. Reynolds. Row 3: K. Long, A. Bailie, B. Bohse, B. Binger, R. Moore, R. Severson, M. Watts, S. Kempf, E. Finhert, M. Malmquist, N. Campos, L. Lehnherr, K. Arnett. Row 4: K. Tolley, C. Miller, K. Boyd, J . Kapusta, T. Bellus, B. Perk!, R. Reinke, J. Barker, D. Richardson, S. Severson, M. Packard, S. Gallagher, M. Greenheck, J . Reichenbach. It is an accomplishment, a feat boardering on the unnaturaL Who would believe that all that rowdiness, insanity and awesome musical talent could be contained in one small room? Yet, under the expert direction of Miss Shaw, these wild and gifted people are molded into a united body, the Chamber Choir.
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