Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
56 Girls' Chorus Girls' Chorus Row 1: W. Powers, D. Capener, D. Packard, M. Hagstrom, B. Bablitch, M. Engel, A. Finch, T. Popp Row 2: A. Borst, N. Johnson, J. Edwards, L. Lizak, K. McGlauchlen, K. Hohnberger, K. Frau, D. Beer , . t. Aubin Row 3: B. Lindsley, B. Eichelkraut, L. Norin, L. t. Aubin, D. Eichelkraut, L. Reynolds, B. Lindstroth Girls' Chorus could very well be the most worthwhile chorus a person could take. That is, of chorus, if you are a girl. If you are not a girl, then you can always take Chamber Chorus. Unless, of chorus, you don't like to sing - which, of corus, is a ridiculous statement, since everyone likes to sing. Right? Of chorus!
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