Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Valedictorian Sue Bogus, alutatorian ue Rawlings Forensics is lots of fun. We get to read our favorite poems, plays, or speeches in front of sweet, under– standing judges. Then we wait a cou– ple of hours and see how we did. We like forensics - oh no, I have to go now. The nice men in white coats have come to take me away. 4 Salutatorian And Valedictorian ~., o/W ~aM- 3 ~· ~ :~~4. cl ~ 1{,_,~~W. UO'W o.-4- (.1.) , .u. _ 1D fVwYW 1 . . • -.ft .; ~ Lf<YW ~ rvu- +f~ cJ'Ji ~ ~ ~ w~ c#w-v ~- ~r ~ 1 It's the two Sues! You sue me, I'll sue you. Sue for tea, and tea for Sue . . . Yes - OHS's new pair of Sues! The smartest pair of Sues I've ever seen or known for that ,_ .. _ matter. f. _ . o ~ • ~ ~ Y\AVV(. ) aMP- ().. -~ "'""' -lv --- 4 "'~ +~ . f/ (dJ w~ Yv r ~~t~il~· ~ Forensics Forensics Row 1: T. Zorko, N. Arms, R. everson, M. Thompson, L. Tyler, M. Clayton Row 2: T. Kluever, C. Brooks, K. chmidt, T. Bellu , R. Reinke, B. Wolff, F. ommers, K. Arnett Row 3: M. Kopenski, C. Miller, C. Baker, . Bogus, K. Thomp on, C. Ko ier, L. Bovre, K. Shockley, M. Engel, L. hower . V. Nedlose, L. Mahr