Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
76 Varsity Volleyball Bottom to Top: M. Burke, J . Merry, P. Manion, A. Rosfjord, T . Fortman, J . Bothun, R. Knipfer, S. Watzke, B., Bohse, T . Brennan, Mgr. R. Sheldon, Coach Pearson Volleyball Ever since I found out I had to write the volleyball copy, I've thought, read, eaten, and slept volleyball. The word no longer has any meaning to me. Let's take the word volleyball apart: volley - sending an object over a net; ball - the white, round object found flying all over the gym during volleyball practice. I have it! Volleyball means a sign on the gym door which reads, "Danger Zone - hard hat area; volleyball practice in session." However, I must say that after a few practice sessions, the magnets in the ceiling of the gym cease to have any affect on the bearings placed in the balls. Freshmen Volleyball Row 1: B. Richardson, J. Grover, S. Schmidt, L. Leikness, S. Flynn, L. Richardson, B. Linstroth Row 2: Coach Angela Doyle, C. Baker, C. Koss, J . Lyons, C. Macaluso, L. Richter, Karen Bridge Junior Varisty Volleyball Row 1: B. Lindsley, T. Slightam, L. Linstroth, R. Wetzel Row 2: S. Erlandsson, J . Stratton, K. Buege, D. Mortensen, J . Anderson Row 3: Coach Stan Eddy, T . Holland, T. Dolphin, T. Guziewski, D. Eichelkraut, Manager R. Sheldon
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