Oregon High School 1984 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

80 Cheerleaders Freshmen Cheerleaders, top to bot– tom: T . Zorko, M. Engel,.). Grover, L. heil, K. Cor uch~ Varsity Basketball Cheerleaders, top to bottom: R. Moore, C. Herling, J . Rattan , L. Hartman, P. Barrett, J. Higgins, K. wisher Junior Varsity Basketball Cheerleaders, top to bottom: C. Clementi, D. Clinton, P. Clo e, .). Essie, K. Olstad, C. Mill – er, D. Mortenson, J. Ceurink Cheerleaders as a rule tend to look their best in fuschia and lime green. At least, that's what my "Color Me Beautiful" book says. Does anyone remember the TV show, "Barnaby Jones"? Well - if you do, you'll recall that there were several gals in a single episode. Which brings me to my question: Don't you think the cheerleaders should stop cheering and stop doing pep assemblies when they could be doing a TV action series?