Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Connie Pike Joe Burmeister Royce Kruel Art Do you realize that art includes not only drawing and painting but jewelry. pottery. and Art I? Have you wondered where those drawings in the display and in the office came from? Those are not just fuzzy pictures taken by the Photography Club. Now you have it - they're from the Art Department! If you still have doubts about the school's art scene, stop by your local 400s hall and have a look-see over the budding young talent and future artists of OHS. Science Science- have you ever wondered what that word really means? It should be more like smell-ence, since everything you do in science classes can be detect– ed at the opposite end of the school. first, there is IPS in which you do the basic experiments like how you get salt NaCI etc. The following year, you do your dissecting- rats, fish, and those wriggling worms. Of course, you can tell by the smell how many days that has been going on. Next. there is chemistry. Here is where you learn about Space Bun– nies and their diet and where you accidentally set your pencils, papers. and folders on fire while per– forming one of the experiments. So. let's be cool and join the local smell-ence club. II Paul Waite Randy Delfs John Bauman Chris Christenson 7