Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

ROW 1, Tom Callahan. Mike Steckling. Lynsey Wollin, Sue Janssen. ROW 2: Kristi Schmidt, Kirsten Reigle. Debbie F1scher. Laur1e Stearns, Karen Shockley. ROW 3: Natalie Mahr. He1d1 Kay. Brenda Anderson, Tanya Kramer. Dan Noyce. Heather Ames. Oregon Preschool Class Of 1971 We are proud to say that the graduating class of 1985 also contains the very first class of our Oregon Preschool. Almost every person remained in the Or– egon School District. The exeption, l ynsey Wollin, continued school in the Stoughton District and graduated last year. She is now attending college in Pennsylvania. We of the yearbook staff thought it would be nice to take a picture of the class now to compare to the old class picture. We hope the Preschool will contin– ue with the excellence it started wit!! and that its record of graduates will continue to be outstanding.