Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

lisa Bovre Anne Waefler Randy Craig Michelle Forsmo Anne Lonnebotn Senior Ads Congratulations, Lisal The past four years went so fast - we are very proud of you and all your accomplishments at O.H.S. Your sense of responsibility and dedication fills us with pride! Love, Dad, Mom, Mark, Rocky, & Brutus Congratulations, Annie BaNan– niell love, Your Family Congratulations and best wishes, Randyl Congratualtions, Chelle! We are so proud of youl Love you lotsl May your future be all you've dreamed ofl Ungdommen er den rette tid til a studere visdom, alderdommen den rette tid til a bruke den. Good luck, Anne. Paal, Mom, and Dad Lori Lehnherr Jeff Crapp Steve Kinderman Barbara Wolff Bryan Richardson Congratulations and best wishes to our lovely daugh- ter. May you set your goals high enough and strive to achieve them. May the Lord richly bless you al– ways. Much love, Mom and Dad You'll always be special. We love you, Redl ( Steve, you were our MVP the last four years: Most Valuable Player Most Vocal Person Must Vast Potential Congratulations and good luckl Love, Mom and Dad We made it together! Love, Mom and Dad Oh how proud we are of youl Congratulations, Bryan.