Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Row I. J. Lyons. K. Martinson. R. Sheldon. Row 2: E. Thompson. L. Tyler. M. Coyne, A. Chong, J. Russell, L. Neuhaus. Row 3: K. Noeldner. J. Merry. J. Essie. S. Neis. B. Root , R. Colburn, K. Wood, V. Brown. K. Shockley. We of the yearbook staff wanted to recognize the orchestra for its fantastic contribution to the musical produc– tions of this learning establishment. BUT our editors told us to tell you that you is the darn goodest musics we never heared. c \1 e s t STRINGS·N·STEREO: Row I: A. Chong. K. Shockley. K. Noeldner. Row 2: L. Tyler. M. Coyne. B. Root . J. Merry, l. Neuhaus. K. Martinson. R. Sheldon. 27