Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
M a r c h , I n g B a n d Color Guard Just who would join the Marching Band you ask. Let me tell you. The p in this organization are some of the more intelligent students in the sch mean. who else goes out and practices at 6 a.m.7 Who else would stand i hot basking sun when it is 10.2 degrees on the hot blacktop? But get this folks . they actually eat at McDonald's for 13 days in a row. These people r have to be intelligent human beings. tf CENTER: L. Ronspiez, D. Ditsch. L. Linstroth, L. Warner. M. Sholts. J. Reese BACK ROW: P. Anderson. M. Varda. L. Krawczyk. T. Finstad. K. McGiauchlen. L. Sheil, S. Schmitz, K. O'Brien, K. Kmiotek, J. Russell INNER ROW: J. Hermanson. K. Scho– misch. J. Bothun. S. Nelson, T. Clark. T. Zorko. Although many people have wrong ideas about these youn dies. I am about to set the re straight once and for all. No, girls are not out there for a fa show. They just happen to hav cellent taste in clothes. And they are not stuck up; they are out there trying to get their tanned. And last but not lea know it may seem coincidental no, these girls are not coval bonded to the percussion sect 28
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