Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

~ iliu ri hj r I i;Q Jll r b t UH a t¢1tOitJtr8 ~ s y m p h 0 n # I c These are the little people who are still trying to get into the Wind Ensemble and haven't given up yet. We do have to give them credit, for they try very hard. and once in a while you can actually tell they are playing music. O.K., enough of put– ting the small fries down. We can't call them small fries anymore. Have you seen some of the freshmen this year? 8 a n d s (;~ ~- c..-l What can be said about this band that hasn't already been said? I mean. this is THE band to be inl This is the band that people actually clap for. that wins trophies, and doesn't raise the hair on the back of your neck. Seriously. folks (I don't believe I said that!), these young musicians should be commended for their achievements and high standing. A u X # I I # I a r y I would like to take this time (and space) to point out something which has confused me and. I'm sure. many others. There are two bands. They are different. They have different people. They have different names. Close examination proves that they aren't mirror images, they have different uniforms. I suspect this is so the band members can tell themselves apart.