Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

This is the section in which students of various abilities, strengths, and talents are "honored" with their teammates for their accomplishments and the glory they bestow on our school. Yes, these are our athletes! They are guided toward the realms of infamy by some of the wisest and most knowledgeable leaders that OHS could supply. Yes. these are our coaches! All of them are laughed at, clapped for, jeered at, and cheered for by some of the most knowledgeable, enthusiastic (obnoxious?), and proud people that OHS can force into going to the athletic events. Why. of course, these are our parents and fans! The folks pictured in this section are to be viewed in awe. Were it not for those people, OHS would lack much of its life and vigor. They put OHS in the newspaper and help to distinguish us from just a little burg outside of Madison. Besides, if it weren't for athletics, just what would everyone do with themselves on a Friday night?