Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Girls' Soccer Row 1, D. Clinton. M. Thompson. l. Bright . K. Schmidt , M. Engel. Row 2, D. Brown, K. Olstad, J. Harter. T. Hamak , l. Mahr. J. Phistry. M. Kinderman. D. Packard. Row 3, K. Farrel. J. Stormer. N. Mahr. l. Caya. M. Kopensk i, P. Stat z. K. Gorsuch. K. McGiauchlen. K. Keller, C. Galloway. Coach Niels Vik. Soccer?!! Did someone say soccer?! !! Is that the game that you just kick a black and white ball around until one of the other players kicks it between two posts. like the posts they use in a football game?! Sounds easy enough to us girls! Girls, let's go for all of the games the boys lost to show the guys that girls can be really awesome in soccer, tool They're not the only sex in the world that can play the game! If the boys from OHS can play soccer, the girls from OHS can do anything! We're the best! (Sorry, guys!) Row 1, K. Swisher. T. Wmter. C. Swisher, S. Harter , S. Bogus. S. Erlandson. Row 2, M. Zimmerman, K. Cohorst , H. Kay. P. Gle1ch. R. Wetzel. T. Gardy. T. Guziewski. Row 3, Coach Mike D'Amato. J. Rattan, M. Cramton, T. Boerth. M. Carrell. A. Di Magg1o. S. Janssen. D. Neis. M. Varda and l. Cramton (trainers).