Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
ROW 1, B. Schultz. P. Mittlesteadt. A. Schneeberger. B. Weigert , A. Palmer. C. Forest, B. Christensen.l. Exstrom. ROW J, Coach Crownhart. R. Schoville. D. Philps. I. Martin. J. Champagne. M. Sunbury. B. Treichel. J. Barkley. M. Miller. B. Cox. Boys' Soccer Did you ever notice which guys go out for soccer rather than football? We asked around and came to the consensus that they are the guys with great legs. The guys on the team get to wear shorts and show off their sexy legs, and at the same time they demonstrate their ability - unlike football players who wear white pants -~nd have their legs covered. ROW 1, D. Batterman. T. Fauerbach. P. lonnebotn, D. Ward. D. laFrambois, R. Bakken, A. Abrams. D. Wanless, J. Richter, M. Ronspiez. ROW J , M. Crampton. E. Kay, K. Shockley. B. Richter, T. Seekins, T. Scanlon, J. Schiller. E. Blasch, R. Sanders. ROW 3, Coach Banta, D. Prust, T. Blomstrom, J. Arms. S. Moldenhauer, J. Bothun, S. Wood, A. Arnold. K. Gilmour, J. Martinson, K. McGiauchlen. 45
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