Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
A ) Moment "Excuse me. are you the manager?" "Yes, I am." Of Time ''I'm selling ads for our high school yearbook, and I was wondering if your store would like to place an ad in our 1985 yearbook." "Yearbook ads? Why do you need ads?" "We need money to pay for the book. so we sell advertising in it in order to make some of the money we need. Many people see the yearbooks. so it's good advertising. Plus, you can say something to the graduating seniors." "In my day we never had a yearbook. What do you need them for now? I can't see any use for urn." "But yearbooks are so you can remember what high school was like - freezing a MOMENT OF TIME - remembering all your friends and the teachers, games, Prom. plays. Homecoming .... " "Well. what all goes into a yearbook anyway?" "Oh. all sorts of stuff. We usually put in a section for the faculty, all the class pictures, the seniors are in color. and all the sports and . ... "
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