Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
60 v a r s # I t y Cheerleaders Where would we be in athletics if it weren 't for the excellent cheerleaders in our school? At the bottom of the scoreboards, that 's where! Just think how lucky you guys are to have such wonderful people represent your school at all of the sporting festivities. But do you students support your cheerleaders by attending most of the football and basketball games, and do you go to any of the wrestling matches? I don't think so. So, get off your butts and get on your feet and start clapping for your favorite sport. I promise you that if you don't go to at least ten of the games, you'll turn into a SNAUSAGE7 Top: Pam Larson, Barb Esser, Jill Geurnik. Middle: Sue Janssen, Cheryl Clementi. Catherine Miller. Bottom: Barbara Wolff
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