Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
Varsity: C. Packard. C. Masshardt, C. Mueller, G. lomas, B. Treichel, B. Brandstatter, B. Kahl. D. lyons, D. Kisslins. J. Stack, A. Ames. L. Gneuwich, K. Christensen, T. Svanda Center: Coach Schoonover, B. Outhouse. Coach Pribbeno~ Z l ( 8 bbM-11«M ; WI~ fu:,.' ~ ' I ~ I 8 0 y s 1 8 a s k e t b J. V.• Coach Svanda, S. Farris, T. Simplot, T. Scanlon, S. Kruser.l. Martin, Z. Heitmann, K. Carl, P. Benedict, S. Ballinston. A. Van Sickle. D. Day, J. Meyers, B. Wiesert, E. Kreul, D. lafrombois Center: K. Connell, B. Outhouse. a I I Frosh Row I: C. Whitmore. E. Kay. S. Pond. E. Masshardt. B. Wallack. G. Scott, D. Batterman. S. Guziewski, P. Reihle. T. Wick Row J, B. lafrombois, P. Budnick. J. Breitbach. J. Weber. L. lsi. D. Prust. M. Caya, E. Blasch, P. larson, N. Anderson, Coach Hoppe. Basketball is a very moving sport. Many times I have gone to a game expecting to be very bored but somehow find myself acting as hyper as the people around me. However, I wouldn't have been screaming if the team hadn't been playing well. I would like to take this opportu– nity to commend the team for a fine season. 65
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