Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
Senior Poll Well folks, it's finally here .. . the SENIOR POlllll The final tabulations are in, and here are the lucky winners: Most likely to succeed: Brad Kahl. Natalie Mahr Best dressed: Jeff Crapp. Sue Janssen Best smile: Tom Connery. Sue Janssen Best legs: Mike Hanson, Gail Davenport Sweetest: Chip Palmer. Kristy Schmidt Class jocks: Steve Kinderman, Nikki Boucher Funniest: John Varda. Audrey DiMaggio Most studious: Alan Chong. liz Thompson Most talented: Jesse Gander, Mary Hagstrom Cutest: Scott Copus, Patty Gleich Best looking: Uli Schreiber. Sue Janssen Most flirtatious: Tim Bacon, leanne Speth 66 Most likely to become rich: Brad Kahl, laurie Stearns Most creative: Jesse Gander, Kristin Kruger First to enlist: Eric Halverson. Barb Wolff Teacher's pet: Brad Kahl, Gail Davenport First to be married: Brian Day, Debbie Fischer YOU KNOW YOU'VE MADE IT WHEN: You've made the cover of the Wall Street Journal. You have danced with the Rockettes. You're an "old-age" guest on Johnny Carson. David letterman reads your letter. You always travel first class. You make a guest-appearance on the "love Boat." You're in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. You win SJ,(XX),(XX) from Publishers Clearing House. You win a "Double Showcase" on "The Price Is Right." You discover little green men on Mars. The pocket of your jeans bears your name. You've had the chance to run a K-Mart blue-light special. You star on a "Wheaties" commercial. You find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
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