Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Powder Puff Powder Puff, the world's greatest sport, in– volves a bunch of crazy girls from the junior and senior classes trying to prove that they are NFL material. They work long hard hours (at least three practices) training for the big day, and the seniors win, as usual! All the hard work that they put in is worth it because more than anything else 0 0 0 it's a whole lot of fun! Forensics No, this is not a group of demented pa– thologists (cadavers maybe. but not patholo– gists). Actually. these fine young students read or talk their way into the hearts of contest judges who break down after hear– ing the students' wonderful soliloquies and then award them the highest ratings. (Be– lieve me. there is no bribery involved.) If you enjoy speaking in front of others 1 reciting literature, or even play acting (a great deal of actinglll), don't mind others staring at you; and don't become embarrassed just be– cause you forgot the title of your speech; then you should join forensics - where it all happens.