Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
Badger Girls' And C. Miller, J. Merry. H. Kay. Boys' State 8. Brandstatter. B. Kahl, M. Gerbitz, J. Varda. Being chosen as a member of Badger Boys' or Girls' State should be considered an honor. However, when I tell you these startling facts, you may think otherwise. Do you realize that being a member requires you to spend eight days completely surrounded by members of the same sex? For high school students, this could be not only extremely boring but also hazardous to your health. I have also been informed (by a very reliable source) that you are required to wear the same T-shirt to dinner every evening. You are lucky to get a semi-warm shower in the morning. Now I ask you, do you really feel this is an honor? 74
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