Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Photography Club Photography Club is a new creation around here this year. The Yearbook Staff is very grateful for this organization. In– stead of hoping our alloted one roll of film will get us sufficient pictures for the en– tire annual. we have the convenience of having these wonderful lads and lassies take pictures for us. So, from the bottom of our grateful little hearts, we thank you, Mr. Hanson, and the members of the Photo Club. ROW 1, T. Brummel, K. Noelbner. N. Arms, R. Severson. F. Collins. B. Seiling, J. Doyle. ROW J, S. Reid, E. Engstrom. B. Blaney. M. Fleming. K. McGiauchlen, D. Tessman, S. Severson. A. Rattan. S. Caldwell. K. Keller. D. Ward. I know very little about Tech Club. I know that you cannot be afraid of heights if you are in this organization. I know that I'm getting very hungry. and I'd like a Tech Club Sandwich. I know I need a Tech Club Sandwich if I'm to finish this copy. Since I don't have the sand– wich, I can't finish .... Tech Club TECH CLUB, G. Miller, J. Barker. Mr. Hanson. J. Arms. 75