Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
G 0 d s p e I I We know exactly what you are going to say; and no, this is not a play where God puts spells on everyone. In fact, "Godspell" was one of the most brilliantly performed musicals ever given at OHS. The actors and actresses were phenomenal. We had no idea some of these people could even speak more than a sentence at a time. If you didn't see this performance, you really missed a very touching musical. ROW I: Mary Hagstrom. Catherine Miller. Derek Tessman. ROW .2: Karen Wood. Belinda Leeder. Tim Bacon. Rob Severson, Deb Capener. Ken McGiauchlen. Julie Binger. ROW 3: Kelly McGiauchlen, Jim Barker. Steve Severson, Michelle Thompson. Chris Forest, Heather Ames. laura Mahr. Eric finhert . 77
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