Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
Prom /984 Prince and Princess, Tyler and Sara Piper, 1983 Prom King and Queen, M. Smith and M. Traino 1 M. Gerbitz, A. Waefler. J. Champagne, A. DiMaggio, M. Hanson, 1984 Queen, Sue Janssen, 1984 King Scott Copus, P. Gleich. R. Schoville, P. Barrett, F. Sommers. J. Fuller, R. leslie, K. Schmidt. ladies. have you ever had the urge to dress yourself in dresses you trip over while you're holding your breath so the seams won't rip? How about wearing a metal hoop? Or better yet, try sitting at a table or dancing on one! Isn't it a splendid feeling for a girl to find "the perfect dress" three months before PROM only to find ten of her friends wearing the same style dress when she gets there? And, guys. have you ever wanted to be choked by a ridiculous piece of fabric. which is worn solely for the sake of fashion? Imagine the horror the men feel when they walk into Nedrebo's two days before the big event only to be told by the salesman that the only thing he has available at this late date is a "pea green" tux! In all respect to " the" social event of the year, we must tell you that PROM can also have its good points. What other day of the year will a guy you aren't necessarily going steady with fork out $100 in one evening just for you? 78
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