Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access
NHS These tips on how to prepare to take a test and become a better students are taken straight from the National Honor Society Handbook. HOW TO PREPARE FOR A TEST I. lock yourself in a soundproof room in which there is nothing to distract you. 1 Study a minimum of three and a half hours for a possible quiz and at least eight hours for a major test. (Semester exams will re– quire 48 hours of uninterrupted study.) 3. The night preceding a test, listen to a recorded tape of every lecture leading up to the test - listen to it as you sleep. HOW TO TAKE A TEST I. Before starting a test, you should make sure that you have built a barricade around your desk so that no one can copy your answers. 1 Although you will be the first to complete the test, you will be the last to turn it in due to meticulously triple checking your work. 3. After receiving a grade of 99 on the test, you must argue with the teacher as to why you got that whopping one incorrect. ROW I: K. Reigle. H. Kay. T. Svanda, C. Masshardt, M. Clayton ROW 2: B. Kahl. C. Forest, T. Connery. R. Craig, A. Chong, J. Gander. The 1985 members of NHS are not pictured here as the book went to press before the new members were selected. Mock Trial Team ROW I: Mr. Root, D. Berg, P. Brewer, J. Varda. M. Kopenski, T. Brummel, l. Tyler, E. Kreul, S. Reed, S. Sieling ROW 2: L. Hamburg. K. Thorton, B. Wolff. J. Phistry. A. lonnebotn, C. Forest, A. Abrams, E. Blasch, P. lonnebotn, B. Batterman. 87
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