Oregon High School 1985 Yearbook (Oregon, WI) - Full Access

Foreign Students ULJ Poetry His Love Snowflakes that fall Music lift me up Bring me down Turn to a smile My solemn frown Always there Never gone BELINDA Seascape These are our foreign students: I guy I gal look at them. See Uli and Belinda. See. See. The reason we find the foreign students so attractive is because we have no one to compare them to. (The yearbook staff would like it be known that this copy was writ– ten at the last minute by a staff who was being at– tacked by the 3d Infan– try Division of Crop– pers.) To paint the world white Stars in the heavens That brighten the night The breezes that blow On a cold winter's eve The moments of love To give and receive I should have known Anything at all The seashore, the Maine coast. It's almost too diffi– cult to describe, but I think it's the wildness of it that I Jove the best. The fact that no living thing can be seen - only bare rocks and the ocean - yet in that same water there is hidden more life than many can imagine. Microscopic animals busy in their microscopic worlds and giant sea creatures larger than any child's imagina– tion. Forests of algae where fish play and smooth plains of sand where animals hide. And the color! While up above all is gray and white and dull blue, below the surface there is more color to see other than on any artist's canvas. The reds, golds, yellows of the coral, browns, deep greens, blues of the seaweed, multi-col– ored fish, which appear to have been bathed in an artist's leftover paint. Colors muted when clouds fill the sky. Colors vivid when the sun shoots through the surface and brings to life all the marvelous colors of this strange world. I would like to sit and stare out toward the watery horizon dreaming of the places that stretch for miles beneath the surface and to glance in the tidepool at my feet, which contains a small sample of the dreams. The wisdom of life A tiny child A mountain tall That lies in tomorrow Tears that bring comfort And w~sh away sorrow These re the gifts We do 't always see Few know your secret What makes you tick Anyone can create you You are musicll Yet they speak of His love For you and for me. Just Today I have reached a point in my life Where I am constantly looking over my shoulder Trying to remember as much of my past as possible 94 For when I look ahead of me I see only dreams - Dreams that seem to hold yesterdays' security I'm afraid to go forward Yet afraid to go back I have to remind myself.