Cheyenne HS 1951 Yearbook (Cheyenne, WY) - Full Access

Donna Killebrew-- Representative Gretchen Afflerbach-- Secretary-Treasurer John McMahon-- President Joan Oourne-- Vice-President THE SENIOR CLASS With the help and guidance of the faculty of Cheyenne High, the class of 1951 has reached its goal--graduation. The class will not stop growing intellectually with graduation, but will keep reaching for--and gaining--new horizons. Today's seniors entered high school as sophomores in 1949. Early in the year class officers-- Joan Oourne, president; Bob Pearce, vice-president; Jo Christen– sen, secretary-treasurer; ' and Barry Tull, representative-- were elected. They sponsored the Sophomore Return and settled down to the excitement of being citizens of Cheyenne High. The next fall the class returned as juniors. They could look with brotherly friendliness on the shy new sophomores, for they were "old" students at Chey– enne High now. The junior class play, "June Mad," was a smash hit. Those elected to lead the class were: Chuck Oaker, president; Gretchen Afflerbach, vice president; Bob Pearce; secretory-treasurer; and Joan Bourne, representative. At last the great moment came and the seniors registered for their last year at Cheyenne High. Officers elected were: John McMahon, president; Joan Oourne vice-president; Donna Killebrew, representative; and Gretchen Afflerbach, secre– tary-treasurer. As their annual play the senior class presented the comedy, "Dear Ruth."