Cheyenne HS 1951 Yearbook (Cheyenne, WY) - Full Access
CHEYEJN E INDIA~S Row 4: Lowes mqr., Brettel, Leqlor, Gavin, Lorry Redhoir, Vann1s Froncts, Clark, Gardener, Vosler, Zwomtzer mqr. , Row 3: Ferrell!, Cole, Cook, Roqer Redhou, Louqhl!n, Casey, Ed Francis, Phillips, James , Smith mqr. Row 2: Coach Blanchard, Hahn, Ptckett, ~'.c:tv'.ahan, Gore, Crommand, Don Johnson, McCleave, Davis, Coach Creese. Row 1: Sutherland, Ka!ley, McVey, l'lichols, Dolly, \'.arner, Jim Johnson, Furman, Baker, Schoneberq. Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Season Record 13 Loramie 12 6 Ft. Collins 20 37 Alliance 13 6 Cosper 25 7 Rock Springs 7 6 Sheridan 28 12 Torrington 19 21 Rawlins 6 7 Scottsbluff 57 7 Loramie 13 Hoving lost 22 lettermen through graduation and two more via transfers, Coach Okie Blanchard's Cheyenne Indians, state chomps of 1949-1950, looked to be o poor bet to rete in their Double A grid throne for 195~ 1951. Bock to form the nucleus of this year ' s eleven was all-stater Chuck Boker, who before the season hod been selected to two all-state teams and again won the honor this year, and veterans Koiley, Jim Johnson, Pickett, James, Sutherland, McVey and McMahon. The Tribe won over Loramie in the season opener, Alliance and Rawlins but lost grid contests to Ft. Collins, Cosper, Sher· idan, Torrington, Scottsbluff, and Loramie while Rock Springs held the Tribe too 7-7 tie. Chosen on the mythical all-state selections, in addition to Baker, were George James and Dick Pickett. Honorable mention was given to Koiley, Johnson, McMahon, Cole, Don Johnson and McVey.
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