Cheyenne HS 1951 Yearbook (Cheyenne, WY) - Full Access

Front Row: Peggy Anderson, Jacque Takahashi, Yvonne Black, Betty Ann Boucher, Donna Hogue, Beverly Jack, M:lry Ann Kelsey, Donna Stoll, Maxine Tafoya. Second Row: Charlotte Day, Restina Yonkoff, M:lrilyn Cook, head of bowling; Maxine Miller, Jean Scott, Phylhs Fogg, Corme Dover, Donna Vail. Third Row: Allee Ramer, Argie Lafkas, Marilyn Wood, Peggy McCarver, Mary Ann Palmer, Janice Harrington, Luane Engel, Norma Lockman. Fourth Row: Jean Johnson, Roberta Kdher, Arlene Ferguson, Shirley Davis, Delores Manners, Sarah Hawes, Barbara Chase. Back Row: Katheryn Morey, Marcia Kincaid, Phyllis Duncan, Wilma Hixenbaugh, Margaret, Hirsig, June Rus,.,..ll, Sandra Engel, Lavonne Rhodine, head of volleyball. G. 4. 4. Front Row: M:lurlne Walker, Sue Sims, Daylene Smith, Barbara Rees, Pat Davis, Carol Smith, Unidenhfied, Chrissie Poulis, Virgie Valdez, Charla Standage. Second Row: Wllma Satchell, Shirley Bernstein, Gwen Albaugh, Dianne Groves, Mary Merritt, Alicia Grund, Darlene Gober, Edna Jaenicke. Third Row: Donna Strough, Kathryn Ronish, Marian Carlson, Shirley France, Carol Attack, Barbara Johnson, Patty Brown, Joan Wilcoxon. Back Row: Shirley Robinson, Sally Brown, Betty Allen, Pat Colwell, Peggy Powers, Norma Gilbert, Kathryn -Morey, Diane Engel, Jacque Beckle, Muuel Diehl, Arlene Ferguson, Shirley Westerfield, Marcia Kincaid, Phyllis Duncan. Front Row: Barbara Tysor, Barbara Chaffie, vice-president, Pat Peters, M:lrtha Cordiner, Dorothy Lind, Pat Joder, Beverly Nair, Barbara Howard, head of basketball, Kay Farber, secretary-treasurer, Ruth Campbell, head of individual sports, Janet Robertson . Second Row: Sally Cotton, Kay H1rsig, Zelda Shuman, Eleanor Hogg, M:lry Ann Pence, Margaret Williams, Donna Killebrew, Norma Packard, Carol Rees, head of swimming, Phyllis Turner. Third Row: Sally Gravelle, Mary Ann Pollare, Patricia Micasell, Joyce Winfield, Marjorie Kelso, Manna Haines, Jean Kugland, M:lry Lee Geim, Gloria Brown, Jean Rennard. Half Row -starting from left: Barbara Williams, Faye Gonzales, Joan Bourne, Janice Spatz, Sally Cook. Bock Row: Margot Binning, Edith Ferguson, Carolyn Tice, Donna Hudson, Cora O'Brian, Verda Crites, Joyce Robertson, Patsy Richmond, Nancy Alexander, Dianne Thomas, Jerry Nelson.