To Mr. Harvey Ran om a tml dedi ated teach r we
bid far well. After many year of active and untiring
rvice Mr. Ran om will r tir at th nd of thi year.
How many of u will er foraet "amo, ama , amaf,
in hi Latin cla
and hi wonderful n of humor
and under tanding?
Good-b e, Ylr. Ran om and thank ou for all th e
year at Ve tal.
To Mr. William Mullen our new prin ipal, we ay
w l om . Hi d namic p r onality and trona
of l ader hip hav h lp d make our n w chool a
warmer and friendli r alma mat r ' h r
tiul p nt th be t y ar of our li
Hello Mr. Mullen-rna ou ha man mor happ
year at Ve tal.